Monday, August 16, 2010

Boston Globe-Black Rep. Supporter Sports "Obama=Hitler" T-Shirt

Black Rep. Supporters of Mass. Gov. candidate Charles Baker sporting Obama/Hitler T-shirt: Baker Campain/
(Story reported by Frank Phillips for the Boston Globe)

The campaign of Republican Charles D. Baker, under pressure from the Democratic Party, has abruptly deleted an online photo of a supporter wearing a T-shirt that compares President Obama to Hitler.

Governor Deval L. Patrick's campaign aides jumped on the issue earlier this morning, asserting that the presence of the photo of the woman wearing the T-shirt -- which has pictures of Obama and Hitler and a swastika -- is further indication that Baker is courting his party's fringe elements. The wording on the shirt says: ''HITLER gave good speeches and had his own symbol too.'' Next to Obama's photo is the president's campaign logo.

Massachusetts Democratic Party chairman John Walsh issued a statement calling the photo ''shocking and offensive,'' saying Baker should not be promoting such messages.

''While everyone is entitled to their views, a picture of a swastika and a comparison between our president and Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler brings the political discourse to a level of complete absurdity, and if Baker is to preserve any credibility whatsoever in this campaign, he should explain how this photo was approved, apologize, and remove the photo from his website immediately,'' said Walsh, who was hand-picked to lead the party by Governor Deval Patrick, Baker's gubernatorial rival.

(click here to read the full story on the Boston Globe website)

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