Monday, August 2, 2010

Wash Po-Palin Critiques Prez's "Cajones" (yeah, but can she spell it?)

(story reported by Matt De Long)

Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin said Sunday that Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) has "the cojones" that President Obama "does not have" to take on illegal immigration.

Appearing on "Fox News Sunday," Palin (R) blasted Obama over the Justice Department's lawsuit to block Arizona's controversial new law and attacked him in particular for not addressing "sanctuary cities" -- where local law enforcement is prohibited from asking people about their immigration status. Arizona's law bans sanctuary cities.

Palin said the president and congressional Democrats "are all wet" on plans to let the George W. Bush administration's tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans expire. "It's idiotic to think about increasing taxes at a time like this," Palin said. She added that her "palm isn't large enough" to write all her notes down, and she proceeded to read notes about tax policy from a sheet of paper.
(click here to read the entire story in The Washington Post)


msladyDeborah said...

Palin is always talking smack. But, it is easy to govern when you're actually not in the position to do so.

Bmc said...

@msladydeborah: Absolutely. I agree. She is a crooked and weak stone thrower living in a glass house (with a back porch that can see Russia...)

SPO101 said...

I want AZ Governor Jan Brewer to show papers to prove she’s a human being. I think it was FOX that did a show on extraterrestrials that live among us, and Governor Brewer does resemble some alien from a B Movie, “Invasion of the Brain Snatchers”, right? I’ve have my suspicions about people like Jan Brewer, Mitch McConnell and Karl Rove because of their lack of human qualities.

As far as the immigration issue goes… Republicans never made a big deal about immigration enforcement during Bush/Cheney but NOW all conservative hell is breaking loose… even though the Obama Administration is deporting MORE illegal’s than Bush ever did. Maybe we should adopt Ronald Wilson Reagan’s immigration policy (look it up morons)

And funny how I didn’t hear NOT ONE WORD on the Cable News about AZ Gov. Jan Brewer’s connection with the Corrections Corp of America. Not to mention I could stop this immigration problem with one thing… ARREST ALL THOSE conservative business people WHO ARE HIRING THE ILLEGAL WORKERS! Republican Party = Hypocrisy

On 7-28-10 I was watching Republicans on Morning Joe (MSNBC) preach about being ADULTS when it comes to our economic meltdown. I say BS! The real ADULTS are trying to demand accountability from those who got us in this financial mess. Republicans want to shift the burden of responsibility on
American working class, teachers, poor people, unions and immigrants.

I wonder if the spoiled Silver Spoons on Morning Joe knew how much they hurt Democrats, Progressives, Liberals when they didn’t challenge NJ Gov. Christie. NOW all over the internet the Conservative wacko groupies are swooning all over Christie like he was a rock star. Of course, because of these Republican low grade thought processes, the right wing monkeys now consider American working class, teachers, poor people, unions and immigrants the biggest threat to our economy

What kind of Americans are stupid enough to believe that decent wages, decent working conditions, enforcing again regulation, reforming our broken financial system and broken healthcare are BAD THINGS! Especially letting all those tax breaks for the rich expire (ten years is enough!) so the rich can again pay their fair share. When the Republicans were running things they started two wars they did not want to finish, set us up for financial system failure and took tax dollars away from grade schools to give BP tax breaks/subsidies (Corporate Welfare). DON’T BELIEVE ME, you rightwing numbskulls, CHECK IT OUT FOR YOURSELVES!

Bmc said...

@SPO101: you raise some cogent points, especially about how the GOP's "milk of human kindness" has turned sour. They are all talk (propaganda) and no heart...

Linda said...

True, gotta admire Palin for saying whatever comes into her mind.

However, she is now part left-right paradigm of the “establishment”, when she endorsed the two “elites”, John McAmnesty and Rick Perry, (who only postures on illegals, while supporting their in-state tuition and anti- HB1070, not to mention his huge efforts using eminent domain for the NAU Superhighway), she lost all respect, in my book.

She’s just another political hack, trying to get her “side” fired up…. she dumped her principles when she endorsed the two RINO’s and showed herself to be just another party hack.

Also, she just up and quit the job she was elected to do. That tells me enough about her. I actually think she is unstable.

Bmc said...

@Linda: you made a really good point. Thank you for your response.